Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Diet is Not a 4-letter Word Anymore!

So I'm on a new journey ... Weight Watchers. No, I'm not going to the classes where you sit in a support group and weigh in in front of your fellow fatties friends. I joined online! It's really easy to keep up with everything there ... you just plug in the numbers. What you weigh, what your measurements are, what you eat - and the computer adds it all up. Last week I got started and was given 25 points and I lost 5 pounds. YAY!! This week, since I lost weight, they lowered my points. I'm OK with this though because I'm ready to be skinny.

Skinny and Kristen have probably never been in the same sentence together (me Kristen that is.) However, I'm determined. You see after I got married I gained ... are you ready for this? ... 20 pounds. YUCK! David is the chef around here, so I'm blaming him. Anyway, what I really want (besides skinny really)  is to be healthy.

I don't know if you've followed my blog much, but if you have you've noticed all the "pregnancy woes." Well, my doctor told me that the weight I've gained has probably added to my complications. So, he put me on birth control (to make everything regular) and said, "Is there any reason I should know about to explain the 20lbs in the last year?" I wanted to crawl in a hole, but instead I tried to laugh it off. I'm pretty good at cracking jokes on my self.. My rebuttal? "Oh yes sir! I know exactly why I gained that weight  ... I ate. Anything I wanted, whenever I wanted." I even shrugged my shoulders and said, "My bad!"  He laughed - only a little. So I'm on birth control to regulate myself, and I'm on a diet. The first time in the history of my life that I'm not dragging my feet about it! I guess it's not a four-letter word for me anymore. My complications? It wasn't PCOS so the metformin didn't really do anything for my hormones except make me a little crazy, and the dysplasia is not going away which means "Girl Doctor" visits every 3 months (an you thought your life was hard!) As you can see, the focus has switched from BABIES to HEALTHY.

I'm so thankful that God granted me a little bit of patience (refer to previous blog) with this prior to my last doc visit, or I might just be really sad. You know, God's pretty big, pretty smart, and pretty right - all the time. If you don't know him, you should. If you are scared, don't be. If you're doing things alone, you don't have to. I don't know where I'd be in all of this without him. Where are you? Hope you have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, girl! You just need some good old self discipline. Just tweet (or facebook) me if you're ever about to eat something you'll regret later. I'll talk you out of it! :)
