So here goes ...
I'm settling into my new job and loving it! God is so good ... never would have dreamed that it would be my JOB to tell people about Jesus - what a wonderful blessing this is! The preschool & children's ministries have been steadily growing (little by little) and my campaign for more volunteer workers is well underway. The "re-branding" of the ministry is also well underway ... get ready for "Kids Village" (children 1st-5th) and "Little Village" (preschool babies-5K) to make its appearance in the spring! Lots of fun new ideas coming!! Did I mention I love my new job?!
As far as the cookie business goes, I'm booming! Just last week I received 6 orders (not for the same week - that'd be crazy - but 6 none-the-less)! I'm expanding my repertoire to include roller skates and valentines coming soon so be sure to check out my cookie blog!
Upcoming news ... well I'm headed out of the country again! Not Guatemala, and not the original India trip. Sudan, Africa! I'm so excited to be traveling with some great men from my church as well as some awesome people with Mustard Seed International, a locally based missons organization! From what I can tell, we are going to be checking out an orphanage! I'll update you closer to the trip time with more details, but in the meantime, please pray for me!
I hope you are doing well and that 2012 is blessing your family!
With Love,
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