We just celebrated a long weekend and it was the perfect "taste" of what was to come ... SUMMER BREAK!
Last weekend we spent time in Marion, SC with one of the greatest hostesses ever ... Ansley's mother! The boys played golf Saturday & the girls sat by the pool. After dinner we discovered a new game for the Wii - Michael Jackson; The Experience! SUCH a fun dance game - embarrassing videos may or may not be posted soon! We spent some time in the pool Sunday morning, and then headed back.

David and I went out on the boat with my family for Memorial day & had a blast! At one point during the day we cut a watermelon & couldn't eat it all. Daddy was trying to give it away to kids walking down the Capers island beach and they were all doing as their mothers & teachers told them - don't take food from strangers. Well, as daddy was complaining about not being able to just "be nice" these days, a man walked by and noticed our left overs. We offered one more time & he said he had 5 little 'monsters' that would like some. They were so cute & so happy when they got a piece of watermelon ... it was just sweet. Well, a family that was sitting on the beach, then sent over their 3 kids & they got our last 3 slices. So, daddy was right, people should just keep on "being nice" and the world will be just fine! I
t was all wonderful, until I had to go back to school for 3 days of teacher workdays. They were hard since I had to say goodbye to one of my best friends since I've been in Summerville. I'll miss Valerie, but I can assure you I'll be making a trip down to FL to visit her! She's at the top of the line on the right - this is a picture of my awesome team on Halloween.
I love the children, I love the teachers I work with, and I absolutely love the schedule! One of the best things about my job is that I still get a summer break. Yesterday marked my first official day off! I started with a 20 minute session on the treadmill followed by an hour long Zumba class ... if you haven't done that, you should! Then my girls & I spent the day at the pool! Kristy & Ansley are the greatest!! We enjoyed our new favorite drink, the "Marion Spritzer" and floated on the best floats ever invented! I can't wait to see what else this summer has in store, especially Guatemala!